Le curriculum vitæ de Shun Tzu HSU

CV ShunTzu HSU

mercredi 4 janvier 2023

Shun Tzu HSU Expositions collectives plus récentes 許舜慈近期聯展

Shun Tzu HSU Recent collective exhibitions

Mar. 10, 2023 ~ Mar. 12, 2023 Tokyo Tower Art Fair 2023 (TTAF 2023), works selected by Artavita Pavilion (Gallery, Pavilion, United States) Artavita Booth C01 (exhibition: March 10, 2023~ March 12, 2023, Tokyo Tower - Hall B1 , 4 Chome-2-8 Shibakoen, Minato City, Tokyo, JAPAN )

Mar. 30, 2023~April 2, 2023 Artexpo New York Art Fair 2023, New York International Art fair 2023, works selected by Circle Foundation for the Arts (France) * finalist Award, exhibition with World Wide Art & Artavita Pavilion. Booth 107 (exhibition : March 30-April 2, 2023, Pier 36, 299 South St., Lower East Side of Manhattan, NYC, USA )

Mar. 8 ~April 8, 2023, Femina 2023, International Online Group Exhibition, Gallerium Art Exhibitions, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

5/2023, International Prize PEGASUS for the arts —Award-winning Artist’s Exhibition, Scuola Grande di San Teodoro, Venice, ITALY

June 1 ~ July 31, 2023, Gardenia 2023, International Online Group Exhibition, Exhibizone, Online, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

7/2023, International Prize Michelangelo 2023 —Award-winning Video Exhibition, Teatro Italia, Via Bari, 18, Rome, ITALY

1/8/2023~31/10/2023, The Almenara Art Prize 2023 Online Exhibition, Figurative Category, The Almenara Collection, Córdoba, SPAIN

15/6/2023~15/8/2023, Gallerium Art Prize 2023 International Online Exhibition, Galleriem Art, Biafarin, Inc, Toronto, CANADA

9/2023, Career Art Award 2023 of Fondazione Effetto Arte Exhibition, Sanremo, ITALY

20-22 Octobre 2023, 32ème Édition du Salon International d’Art Contemporain, Carrousel du Louvre, exposition avec Galerie de Vienne, Autriche et Galerie de Munich, Allemagne., Paris, FRANCE

6/2024 Exposition collective : Artiste pour le musée, The Francesco Gonzaga Museum (Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga), Mantoue, ITALIE


10/3/2023 ~ 12/3/ 2023   2023 東京塔 藝術博覽會 (TTAF) 作品入選、展示合作於 Artavita Pavilion, 美國數位藝廊與藝博會單位 Artavita 展位 C01 ; 2023年3月10日~2023年3月12日,東京鐵塔-  Hall B1, 4 Chome-2-8 Shibakoen, 港區,東京都 105-0011,日本 (東京都港区芝公園四丁目2番8号 東京タワー)

30/3/2023~ 2/4/2023 2023 紐約ArtExpo 藝術博覽會, 作品於法國Circle藝術基金會獲獎入選( Finalist Award ) New York, with World Wide Art & Artavita Pavilion, 展位 107, Pier 36, 299 South St., Lower East Side of Manhattan, NYC, USA; 2023年3月30日~2023年4月2日曼哈頓下東區 36號碼頭,美國紐約市

March 8~Avril 8 2023, Femina 2023 International Online Group Exhibition 女性2023 國際線上聯展 , 加拿大多倫多Gallerium線上藝廊

5/2023 International Prize PEGASUS for the Arts, PEGASUS 國際藝術獎 Award -winning Artist’s Exhibition 於 Scuola Grande di San Teodoro,義大利威尼斯

7/2023 International Prize Michelangelo —Michelangelo 國際藝術獎Award-winning Video Exhibition, Teatro Italia, Via Bari, 18, 義大利羅馬

June 1~July 31 2023, Gardenia 2023 International Online Group Exhibition Gardenia 2023, Biafarin, Inc, Canada

1/8/2023~31/10/2023, The Almenara Art Prize 2023 Online Exhibition, Figurative Category, The Almenara Collection, Córdoba, Spain

15/6/2023~15/8/2023, Gallerium Art Prize 2023 International Online Exhibition, Galleriem Art Gallery, Biafarin, Inc, Toronto, Canada

9/2023, Career Art Award 2023 of Fondazione Effetto Arte Exhibition, Sanremo, Italy

20-22 October 2023, 32st Edition of Salon International d’Art Contemporain, Carrousel du Louvre, exhibition with Gallery of Vienna, Austria and Gallery of Munich, Germany, Paris, France

6/2024 Exhibition Collective : Artist For The Museum, The Francesco Gonzaga Museum (Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga), Mantua, Italy