Le curriculum vitæ de Shun Tzu HSU

CV ShunTzu HSU

mercredi 18 octobre 2023

32e Salon International d’Art Contemporain Paris, Carrousel du Louvre, exposé par invitation de PAKS Gallery, Booth D1; Vienne, Autriche et Munich, Allemagne, 20-22 octobre 2023 Paris, France

32Ème Salon International d’Art Contemporain, Paris Carrousel du Louvre, exposé par invitation de PAKS Gallery, Booth D1; Vienne, Autriche, Castle Heidenreichestein, Autriche et Munich, Allemagne, 20-22 octobre 2023 Paris, France

32nd Edition International Contemporary Art Fair, Paris Carrousel du Louvre, exhibit by invitation of PAKS Gallery, Booth D1; Vienna, Austria, Munich, Germany & Gallery of Castle Heidenreichestein, Austria, October 20-22, 2023 Paris, France

vendredi 6 octobre 2023

14-22 October 2023, be part of Digital Exhibition « I Am You » Inside XIVe Florence Biennale Contemporary Art And Design ,Invitation by Sponsor of Florence Biennale Art & Design, Art Screen TV ( Swiss and Florence) , Fortezza da Basso Firenze, Florence, Italy

14-22 October 2023, Be part of Digital Exhibition «I Am YOU, Individual and Collective Identities », Inside XIVe Florence Biennale Contemporary Art & Design 2023, Invitation by Sponsor of Florence Biennale Contemporary Art &Design, Art Screen TV ( Swiss and Florence), Fortezza da Basso Firenze, Florence, Italy

14-22 October Digital Exhibition « I Am You- Individual and Collective Identities »- Florence Biennale Contemporary Art & Design 2023